
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

When chi runs out of control

Despite all cautions, chi may occasionally run out of control for any practitioner. Chi-kung is like any physical exercise (like soccer, hiking, cycling or jogging), minor "injuries" are acceptable. Too cautious an approach may actually mean progress being too slow! I would like to share with you a number of minor cases and how do deal with them (all from my own practice and coaching experience):

1. Chi-burn: It is caused by continuous chi flow to one single point, resulting in a slight burn on the inner skin of the practitioner. Area affected is usually one's hand. Treatment is like other burnt cases, i.e. cool down the affected area with oil. After a few days' time, the burnt part will appear and dead-skin will fall off. A good understanding of the matter can avoid unnecessary panic.

2. Chi rushes to the head: It is caused by a sudden opening of a blockage (like in the shoulder joints). The practitioner will feel dizziness and bright light. Assuming that it is not kundalini awakening (usually not!), a few times of yawning, swallowing one's saliva, plus self-massage on the abdomen can bring chi down from the head. This is not a common case, but when it happens, it may cause real panic!

3. Too much chi and the body become over-heated: It is caused by excessive diligence in one's practice in a short period of time without a strong foundation. Chi generated can usually be dissipated quickly after a practice session for a seasoned practitioner through simple relaxation. If overheat occurs, drink lots of fluid and relax. Do some mental exercises (like sudoku) to focus one's mind away from chi.

4. Chi stuck in places: This is usually caused by faulty practices without doing it step by step in opening the blockages. Sometimes causes are quite unknown. With or without the assistance of a coach, a practitioner can do a less-intensive zhan zhuang and consciously re-direct the chi away ((a coach can do point massage at certain areas to facilitate the re-direction process) .

5. Chi seems to be on the verge of going out of control: For whatever reason, when a practitioner (or his coach) feels that his chi seems to be on the verge of going out of control, stop doing his particular form of chi-kung, do more mental exercises (like sodoku) in daily life, do fitness walking, jogging or hiking to make one's muscles tired out.

On caution: If one is in doubt the condition may be caused by some unknown disease not related to one's practice, always seek medical advice as soon as possible. And if hallucination occurs (visual or auditory), a professional psychologist's advice should be asked for.

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