
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The wisdom of Diamond Sutra - chapter 31


須菩提,若人言:佛說我見、人見、眾生見、壽者見,須菩提,於意云何?是人解我所說義不?不也,世尊。是 人不解如來所說義。何以故?世尊說我見、人見、眾生見、壽者見、即非我見人見眾生見壽者見,是名我見人見眾生見壽者見。須菩提,發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心者,於一切法,應如是知,如是見,如是信解,不生法相。須菩提,所言法相者,如來說即非法相,是名法相。

My rendition of Chapter 31 of Diamond Sutra - Non-discrimination of knowledge and perception

Buddha: Subhuti, if people say Buddha said this is my view, that is people's view, longevity's view etc. Subhuti, what do they mean? Do they understand the meaning of my teachings?

Subhuti: No, World Holiness. They don't understand the meaning of your teachings.

Buddha: Why?

Subhuti: When World Holiness said this is my view, people's view, longevity's view, He also meant this is not my view, not people's view, not longevity's view. These views are, when expressed as such, only named as my view, as people's view, as longevity's view.

Buddha: Subhuti, those who have willed Bohdi must understand, view and comprehend my Dharma this way. No absolute form of knowledge or perception should be created.

Subhuti, likewise, after I said "my teaching", I also mean this is "not my teaching"; it is only named as "my teaching".

Paul's comment: The Buddha's view against absolute is absolute: it includes everything: including every sentient beings and include every piece of knowledge or perception arising from any sentient beings which incidentally also include the Buddha Himself. Those who fail to understand this core concept cannot attain the highest level of enlightenment as discussed in the Diamond Sutra.

A concluding remark to the Diamond Sutra.

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